Tuesday 15 August 2017

Hong Kong is the Perfect Choice for Offshore Company Incorporation

Hong Kong does not have any particular law, which governs offshore company incorporation in Hong Kong. This is the most popular cities around the world for offshore company incorporation because of its world best advantages which include low and effective tax regime, their political & social stability, stable economy, foreign exchange control, and ease of doing business etc. Establishing an offshore company in Hong Kong is an ideal choice for conducting well-developed infrastructure, and world-class banking facilities, investment trade, and asset protection.
Benefits of Offshore Company Incorporation
EFFECTIVE TAX SYSTEM: - The reasons of the majority of business investors are incorporating a company in Hong Kong is just because of tax policy. If the government generates profit inside the Hong Kong so the minimum tax is 16.5% on that profit. If the company is generated profit outside the Hong Kong, then the 0% tax is charged on that profit. The sales tax, withholding tax, value added tax and other taxes don’t exist in Hong Kong.
EASE OF INCORPORATING COMPANY: - Hong Kong has a stable and liberal economy in the world; therefore, offshore company formation is an easy procedure. Hong Kong is ranked as the best place to do business here easily. Establishing a company in Hong Kong is reliable & reasonable and the government of Hong Kong supports foreign investors and offers them for 100 % foreign membership.
POLITICAL & ECONOMIC STABILITY:- Hong Kong is considered as the Special Administrative Authority of China, therefore, it is a politically stable economy.
TRUSTED REPUTATION: - Hong Kong is considered as a low tax haven and has good and trusted image in every field; therefore, offshore company incorporation in Hong Kong is the best choice. Hong Kong is only one jurisdiction that provides international tax information and exchange.
There is minimum one director and unlimited maximum directors are required of any nationality. Directors should be over the age of 18 years.
There is only one shareholder is required in case of offshore company incorporation and there is no restriction in their nationality. The shareholder must be above the age of 18 years.
There is a requirement of Company Secretary of Hong Kong nationality. The secretary takes care of all things in Hong Kong.

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